Key Things To Remember @ Interview Point Of View For A Phone Interview/Screen: Ø Take the call in a quiet place and speak up and speak clear – do not ramble and be articulate with your answers Ø Take the call from a reliable phone Ø Have a copy of your resume in front of you and the job description Ø Review the clients web site For A Face-Face Interview: Ø Remember to turn off your cell phone. Ø Appearance – Wear a matching suit to the interview, it is always best to be over dressed than underdressed. Ø Be on time; 5-7 minutes ahead of the interview time, no earlier. Ø Do not chew gum/candy Ø Do not bring a beverage into the interview. Ø Smile (when you smile at someone, they smile back), be articulate, polite, confident and alert. Ø Give a firm handshake to the interviewer( s) – extend your hand first – do not wait for them to extend their hand. By extending your hand first, it shows leadership and that you take initiative. Ø In a group interview setting, make eye contact. 80% of the eye contact should be with the person that asked the question. Make sure you make eye contact with the others in the room as well. Ø Please be sure to take a look at the company's website. General Interview Tips: Ø At the beginning of the interview, the hiring manager will ask you how you are doing. Make sure you respond in such a way that makes the conversation comfortable. Let the manager know how you are and then ask him how he is and thank him for interviewing you Ø Make sure you find out the "driving directions" (find the clients pain, find out what the project is about and what type of candidate is the hiring manager looking for? That is the driving directions-you don't want to be driving around aimlessly throughout the entire interview) This will tell you how to drive the interview. The more questions you ask the HM the more directions you will get. Ø The interview usually will start one of two ways—the client will ask you an open ended question for example, "So, tell me about your most recent project or so the looks of your resume looks like you have over 10 years of Java experience." OR the hiring manager will inform you right in the beginning about the project –in any case LISTEN—you have to have effective listening skills---you need to be looking and hearing the "driving directions" otherwise tell yourself it doesn't make sense getting in the car if you don't know where you are going. Ø Need to find out from the hiring manager what type of candidate he/she is looking for and what is the project all about-what are they trying to do (these are the driving directions) Ø Bring the interview into a conversation (not a ping pong interview). You can ask questions throughout the interview not just at the end When Answering Questions Be aware Of The Following: Ø Do not babble (repeat yourself or continue to talk about nonsense) and over talk, do not overpower the conversation Ø Do not "beat around the bush" this is not giving direct answers to the hiring manager's questions Ø Do not just skim the surface (Give detail and examples of where you used a particular technology) in your answers either—it's a fine line you need to walk and talk not being too light and not over-talking. Ø If you simply don't the answer do not try and fake it—simply say, "Manager's name, I have not had the opportunity to work with that tool, but I have no problem facing challenges and I am a quick learner." Ø If you are asked about a specific technology and you have not used that tool but something similar or a competing tool explain what you have done with that similar tool. Ø Or simply say that you have never used it but that you know what it is used for – NEVER WING IT. Ø Revert back to your resume at all times for example: "Have you worked with MQ Series?"—Your Answer: "Yes in deed, while I was at XYZ Company I worked extensively with MQ doing etc. etc. etc. Ø Take the interview into a conversation – use manager's names to establish a relationship. Ø If in the beginning of the interview if the hiring manager is asking you to repeat your answers or you're asking the hiring manager to repeat the question that should be a red flag that communication is a problem and you need to change it up. Ø Try and match the speed and tone of the hiring manager's voice. Ø Take the lead on discussion with hiring managers Ø Periodically particularly in the beginning of the interview after you answer a question, go right back to the hiring manager and ask him/her--- Ø"Do you need me to expand on that answer or expand on any particular part of that answer-I want to ensure I am giving you what you are looking for…" ØAt this point of the interview you are confirming you are DRIVING IN THE RIGHT DIRECTION. You don't want to end an interview and then try and get confirmation… "oh by the way did I drive in the right direction?" and if you didn't the answer is going to be NO. Use the phrase "Am I driving in the right direction?" If the client is looking for an apple you need to make sure you are giving apples and not sitting there throughout the interview talking abut bananas. Ø Make sure you try to parallel the tone and how fast or slow the hiring manager is speaking—if the hiring manager is talking fast they may get frustrated with a candidate that talks very slow. Ø Be direct and to the point on client's expectations. Ø When asked an open ended question, make sure you give an open ended answer back. Ø A close ended question is "how many days are their in a week?" answer is direct and only one answer can be given 7------a open ended question could go like: "So, by looking at your resume it looks like you have worked for many years with Java"----if you just answer yes to an open ended question that is WRONG----WHEN ASKED a open ended question you need to give a open ended answer back; it is rude if you don't! When talking about previous assignments, use "I" instead of "we". Ø Give thorough answers and defend your answer. Ø Use the whiteboard if applicable. Ø The manager will indicate that the interview is coming to an end. If you have a burning question, go ahead and ask it but be respectful of the manager's time. Ø Do not assume that you got the job-Do not make comments like "I look forward to working with you…" the hiring manager has not offered the job to you why are saying its going to be great working with them???? Do Not Ask The Manager How You Did At the end of the interview let them know 4 things: 1. Thank them for their time 2. Let them know that you are interested in the opportunity and you are confident in your abilities to do a great job 3. You are local (if you in fact are) 4. You can start right away (or on a 2 weeks notice) In Addition; Here Are Some More Tips To Assist You On Your Interview. Ø You cannot be too prepared…or rehearsed. Ø Your objective in going on an interview…to get an offer! Ø An interview is a selling event. In order to get an offer, you must sell yourself and impress the company. How do you do this? Attitude. Attitude is EVERYTHING! It sounds trite, but you only have one chance to make a good first impression—and the first few minutes are the most important. Your appearance and articulation will help to carve out that very positive first impression. Ø Usually, you try to start out the meeting with some small talk to build rapport: Ø If you are meeting multiple people, remember that you must go through this process with each person you meet—do not assume that one person will tell the next person. Ø When the interviewer starts out asking you about your background and browsing your resume, you need to say, "Mr. Interviewer, before I tell you about myself, could you first tell me a little more specifically about this position and about the kind of person who will fit successfully into your organization? " Ø Now, LISTEN carefully as he tells you about the position. Ø Then, when you have a chance to respond, you can reply using your experiences that focus on what their needs are—their hot buttons. You want to show them what you can bring to the table, what you've done that will be helpful and beneficial to them… not what's in it for you. Ø Use your verbal resume that you have prepared—three to five minutes that are very logical and concise and direct/specific. Start at the beginning in a very conversational way; for each position, talk about: Ø Your responsibilities Ø Day-to-day duties Ø Tools you've used, skills you've learned. Use buzzwords and be specific about your participation. - "I was solely responsible for…" - "I was very hands on…" - "I supported more than 2,000 users in a Windows NT environment…" Ø Accomplishments— have at least one accomplishment for each position you've held, and be prepared to tell the interviewer what has made you stand out among your peers. Ø Be very positive, upbeat and accomplishment- oriented. Technical For the technical part of the interview, Ø Tell them what you DO know, instead. For example, you might say, "Well, I really haven't had the opportunity to get too involved with that, but what I do know is that is exactly the kind of challenge I'm looking for. And I feel confident that, because I'm very good with documentation, have a network of resources and am very analytical, I can pick this up without too much trouble." Interpersonal Ø This part is absolutely every bit as important as the technical. You must project yourself in the image of a "good person," someone who is bright, quick, energetic, enthusiastic, FLEXIBLE, loyal, hardworking and fun to be with—someone with a good sense of humor. People Hire People They Like. The Primary Attributes Interviewers Look For: Ø What is the most important quality they are looking for? Ø What are their plans for the next quarter? The next year? Ø What is the technical mix on the team? Ø With what other groups does the team interface? Ask Questions As Many As You Can: Ø I know on the first day of a new job, there is a lot of HR paperwork, but how will I spend my second day? Ø You demonstrate your interest through body language—solid eye contact, sitting straight and still, leaning a bit forward when appropriate (not leaning back and crossing you arms). Your facial expressions are important—nod, smile, and grin. Ø Interest is also demonstrated through general enthusiasm in what the interviewer has to say. You want to come across as genuine, positive … confident but not cocky or arrogant. Stay away from statements that limit you; stay away from negatives such as "I don't know" or "I can't." And stay away from negatives about why you are leaving your job—talk about what you want to get into, not what you want to get away from. Negatives can make you look like a complainer. Availability Ø When they ask you when you'd be available, say "When would you like me to be available?" The Magic Question As the meeting ends, you must say to the interviewer: Ø Let the hiring manager know that you feel confident in your abilities to do a good job for them if they select you Ø Let them know that you are excited about the opportunity, possibly when you could start, and that you want it At this point, if there are any misunderstandings or things that need to be clarified, you'll have another chance to do so. And then you can ask, "What is the next step?" Thanks & regards, Suresh Chowdary Yepuri |

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[Intv Tips1] Successful Interview Tips
Posted by
The Ultimate Guide 4 Interview Preparation
on Monday, July 20, 2009
great job.
thank u for giving valuable suggestions..
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